Layoff - Severance - Temporary Workforce Reduction

Virginia DHRM Layoff, Severance, and Temporary Workforce Reduction policy info and resources can be found at

The policy of the State regarding layoffs allows agencies to adjust the size of the work force as needs dictate. All full-time classified employees are eligible for layoff benefits. In some cases, restricted and part-time classified employees also have access to layoff benefits. The benefits include placement options within the employee's agency; preferential employment consideration prior to layoff in other agencies; preferential hiring in other agencies during leave without pay-layoff; and Re-Employment Opportunities (RE-OP) Pool. Employees to be affected by layoff must receive written notification at least two weeks before the date of layoff or placement. This policy should be used with Policy 1.57, Severance Benefits. Wage employees are not covered by the provisions of this policy or Policy, 1.57, Severance.

This policy provides severance benefits to full-time employees (classified employees, teaching and research faculty, and administrative and professional faculty) who have been involuntarily separated from state service in accordance with Policy 1.30, Layoff.

Temporary Work Force Reduction (TWFR) permits agencies to reduce employees' work hours and salaries temporarily or place employees in a non-working status temporarily. Such reductions may be scheduled continuously or intermittently and are limited to no more than 690 hours in a 365-day period. Certain employee benefits are protected during the period on non-working status. Agencies must provide a minimum of two weeks notice to employees before placing them in TWFR.

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